Site Map Polytopes Dynkin Diagrams Vertex Figures Incidence Matrices Index

Alphabetical Index of Vertex Figure Usages

While facets of uniform polytopes by definition are uniform as well – in fact, the dynkin diagram of a facet of a Wythoffian polytope is derived by omission of just one node (and its incident links) – this does not hold true with respect to vertex figures. On the contrary, most generally the vertex figure of a uniform polytope is not uniform. By means of the concept of lace simplices the vertex figure of Wytoffian polytopes can be derived none the less systematically (as is outlined there).

Accordingly this listing of vertex figure polytopes runs much shorter than that for facets, especially because the following table was generated from the files included in the "incmats" folder. Thus these listings therefore do not aim to be any complete enumeration, they represent only the results from so far in this webspace provided individual polytope files.

Total count of currently listed polytopes, which occur as vertex figures of others: 407

0...9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Vertex Figure Used in Polytopes

0 ... 9

0_11111 1_11111
2 2{4}p rect-2{3}2{3}2{4}p
2dah 2kaje
2doe 2sishi
2firp 2dah
2gad 2fix,   2gashi
2gike 2gahi,   2gax
2gissid 2gaghi
2hehad 2thox
2ike 2ex,   2gishi
2sissid 2gofix,   2gohi
2tet 2gogishi,   2hi,   2pen,   2tes
2thah 2tho
2thahp 2rhohid
2tho 2hehad
2thox 2guhsa
2_111 3_111
2{3}2{4}3 2{3}2{3}2{4}3
2{3}2{4}4 2{3}2{3}2{4}4
2{3}2{4}5 2{3}2{3}2{4}5
2{3}2{4}p 2{3}2{3}2{4}p
2{4}3 2{3}2{4}3
2{4}4 2{3}2{4}4,   2{3}2{4}5
2{4}p 2{3}2{4}p,   p{4}2{4}p-tiling
2{4}r p{4}2{4}r-tiling
3 2 rect-3{3}3{4}2,   rect-3{4}2{3}2,   rect-4{4}2{3}2,   rect-5{4}2{3}2
3 3 rect-3{3}3{4}3-tiling
3 3{3}3 rect-3{3}3{3}3{3}3
3_22 4_22
3{3}3 3{4}3{3}3-tiling,   4{3}4{3}4-tiling
3{3}3 || dual-3{3}3 maxexp-3{3}3{3}3{3}3
3{4}2 3{3}3{4}2
3{4}3 3{3}3{4}3-tiling
4 2 rect-4{3}4{4}2-tiling
4_31 5_31
4{3}4 2{4}4{3}4-tiling
4{4}2 4{3}4{4}2-tiling
{4} p{4}2{4}2-tiling
6doe 6sishi
6tet 6tes


ahexah x3o3o3o *b3o3*c
ax o3o3o3o3o4o3x


bad-verf bad
bay 3_41
bayoh 3_51
bend-verf bend
bicont odipt
bidhin tedjak
bidrap bidhin
bif 2_42
breday 1_62
brene bifoh
bril haxabrag,   lin,   moarojak
broc bif
brox 1_311


cabbix-verf cabbix
cadditradid dittady+dox
caddix-verf caddix
chad-verf chad
chon x3o4o3o4o
cid ex+fix,   gishi+gashi
co octet,   x4o4o *b3o,   x8o4o *b3o
compound 5-doe-comp
cubaope icaf
cube aubautipip,   bauautipip,   bicyte ausodip,   biscpoxic,   bitapna,   bitefa,   chi,   cute,   cyte cubau sodip,   dapabdi poxic,   dox,   eoctaco,   haucope,   hautope,   kitapna,   kitefa,   m3o3m3o,   octaco,   octatricu,   pexic,   pibhaki,   poxic,   radh,   stoc,   tautisdip,   tetacoaoct,   tibbid
cubpy icopy


dah kaje
daj nal
deca o3o3o3o *b3x3*c
dibhid-verf dibhid
did x5o5o *b5/2o
dihin dijak,   hixalrix
dihinpy dijakpy
dijak Dutour 7D Type A,   gahax,   jaka
dijakpy jakapy
disdi-verf disdi
ditdid dittady
ditetetrat x3o3o4o4*b
ditti idhi
doe ikhon,   pibhaki,   quidex,   sishi
dot dotet,   hinro,   mo
dotip rojkoh
dual(r1 r2) p1{q1}r1-p2{q2}r2-tiling
dudsi paphicki


ek vee
ekip rake
enep ru
ex pente,   phitte,   pitest


f v3o ragaghi
f v5o righi
f x3o BAVFfxoo xFofxFVo3xxFxooxo5xooxFfoV&#zx,   DCBAVFfxoo xxxFofxFVo3xoxxFxooxo5ofxooxFfoV&#zx,   biscrahi,   fooo3xxoF3xfxo *b3oxFo&#zx,   oFfoo3ooxxF3Fxoxo3ooffx&#zx,   oct || (x,f)-co || (F,x)-co || (x,x,f)-toe || F-oct || (f,x)-tut || tet,   oct || (x,f)-tut || (F,x)-co || (x,x,f)-toe || F-oct || (f,x)-tut || tet,   ooofxfooo3xoxxoxxox5ofxofoxfo&#xt,   oooxfxooo3xoxoxoxox5ofxfofxfo&#xt,   oxofxfooo3xxxxoxxox5ooxofoxfo&#xt,   srid || ff-ike || f-doe || ff-ike || srid,   xFfxo3xoxoF3fxooo3oofFx&#zx,   xooFxxFfooFoofo3xxFooFxxxFooFxx3ofooFoofFxxFoox&#xt,   xoxFoFxox3oxoooooxo5ooxofoxoo&#xt
f x3o3o rahitte
f x4o riddoh
f x5/2o raghi
f x5o ripped
f3o3x x5o3o3o3*a
f3o4x x5o3o4o3*a
f3o5x x5o3o5o3*a
fenandoh-verf fenandoh
fidoh-verf fidoh
firp dah
fitetaltet phap
fix x3o3o5o5/2o
fy goh


gabdacan-verf gabdacan
gacid gahi+gohi,   gax+gofix
gad fix,   gashi
gadencorn-verf gadencorn
gafthi-verf gafthi
gafwan-verf gafwan
gahax Dutour 8D Type A,   naqalaq,   zahesa
gancpan-verf gancpan
gatopin-verf gatopin
gee axh,   zee
geep rek,   zarez
geepy zeepy
getut-verf getut
gicdatrid gidtixhi+dox
gidtid gidtixhi
gike gax,   padiap
gipbin-verf gipbin
girfthi-verf girfthi
gissid gaghi
gissidagike gogishiagax
gissidragike gogishiragax
goh 6_21
gohi x3o5o5/2o5o
gyepip 2/10-luna of ex,   3/10-luna of ex,   4/10-luna of ex,   biscex,   rotunda of ex,   telex,   xofo3ooox5oxoo&#xt
gyspid zucypit


han daj
hax Dutour 7D Type A,   haxt,   jakamo,   laq
haxip rinquoh
he linoh
hehad thox
henne 2_61
hep rahet
hesa Dutour 8D Type A,   bay,   hauhocto,   laqalin
hetrat hetoh
hex pex tac,   shitte,   tac,   x4o3o3o4o
hexasc taccasc
hexat hedhon,   thon,   trah
hexip rag,   rixascad,   taccarat
hexpy tacpy
hext x3o3o3o4o3o
hi hi - 120 ikadoes,   o3o3o5o5/2x
hin hint,   jak,   madek
hinnip ranq
hinpy jakpy
hint jakte
hip rath
hit-verf hit
hixadot jakamo
hixalrix gahax,   hopalril
hixip octatetdip,   rapatrapen,   roc,   trial trapen
hocto bayoh
hog dhidicup verf hog dhidicup
hopalril ocalroc
hopip rene
howoh-verf 2howoh,   howoh
hudsi paphacki


ico hext
icot 1_1111
id apech
ike 2/10-luna of ex,   3/10-luna of ex,   4/10-luna of ex,   biscex,   cydadex,   ditusna,   dodeca-diminished rotunda of ex,   eikedpy,   gishi,   icau prissi,   id || f-ike || ike || pt,   ite,   kepisna,   kidisna,   pedhon,   pedisna,   rotunda of ex,   sody,   spohi
ipe rapente
irl-verf irl
irohlohn-verf irohlohn


jak jakte,   naq
jaka naqalaq
jakip riffy
jakoh 3_22
jakpy naqpy


kafandoh-verf kafandoh
kaje quil


laq naquoh
lawx-verf lawx
lin 2_32


m m3o m3m3m3o,   m3o3m3o,   m3o3o3m,   m3o3o4m
m2m3o triddit
mesdi-verf mesdi
mibdi 2/10-luna of ex,   hexdex,   idimex
mo jakoh


n-ap n-apt
n-p n-pidpy
nal fib
naq fy
naqpe rigoh
naquoh 4_31
nat-verf nat
nit 1_211


ocpe reday
oct baudeca,   co || f-oct || oct || pt,   doehon,   haddet,   m3o3o4m,   pex hex,   sistic,   stico,   tabene
oct+6{3} hex+8oct
octacube icoap,   tessap
octasc hexasc
octatepe hexaf,   rixa
octdip traxh
octete hexete
octpen tro
octpy hexpy
octpyp trial troct
odip bicyte gysrit,   cyte gysrit,   cyted srit
oho tehtrah
ope hexaico,   opet,   oxo oxo3oox4ooo&#xt,   rapaspid,   rat
ox4oo&#q 3-squippyp-blend,   ope
oxqxo8ooooo&#qt lt-(o8o4x *b3x)


p 2 rect-p{4}2{3}2,   rect-p{4}2{4}2-tiling
p 2{3}2 rect-p{4}2{3}2{3}2
p r rect-p{4}2{4}r-tiling
P-ap x4oPo4x
p2p5p gap dual
pap 1/10-luna of ex,   id || srid || F-ike || ti,   ikadoaid,   ikadoe,   twau doaid,   twau sridati
peat x5/2o5o4o
pedip o5o3x3o5o
pedpy ite
pen hitte
penaf hixaf
pendip icoy
penhix teru
penit hixit
penp octa tratet,   ril,   trial tratet
pent o3o3o3o4o3x
peppy ikepy
pinnip han
pip biscrox,   fxoo2ofVx3xxoo5xoof&zx,   icau pretasto,   ikaid,   ike||id||srid||ti,   oofoo3oxoxo5xooox&#xt,   owaudope,   peppia pero,   rite,   telex,   twau iddip,   twau sriddip,   twau tipe,   twausniddip,   xoxFoFxox3oxoooooxo5ooxofoxoo&#xt,   xoxFofo3oxoofox5ooxooxx&#xt,   xoxxFxxox3oxoxoxoxo5ooxoooxoo&#xt
p{4}2 2{4}p{4}2-tiling


q x3o arse aurap,   baudeca,   mibdirit,   pactat,   pexrit,   tetatut
q x3o3o rin
q x3o3o3o rax
q x4o o3xØx3*a3xØx3*a,   octatoe,   rich
q x5o ripech
q3o3x gadtatdic
q3o4x cohon
q3o5x x4o3o5o3*a
qo oq&#h batch
quacant-verf quacant
quil yab


raccoth-verf raccoth
rad m3o3m3o,   tabene,   tibbit
radah-verf radah
rag haxh
rap hin,   rapt,   todin
rapesc hinsc
rappip hinanit,   ratasiphin,   rojak
rappy hinpy
rappyp trial trarap
rapt hint
rat hinoh
rawcax-verf rawcax
reco o3o3o4s4*a
reday hede
rene henne
rhote tibbic
ril hesa
rillip robay
rinah-verf rinah
rix gedak,   hax
rixahixip hinaf
rixasc haxesc
rixip haxabrox,   rojaka hejak,   rolaq
rixpy haxpy
roc hocto
rocip robyah
rox hi - 120 ikadoes,   x3o3o *b3o5o


safthi-verf safthi
scad cyxh
se stidox
sicdatrid sidtixhi+dox
sidtid ditdih,   sidtixhi
sirco gacocaddit
sirfthi-verf sirfthi
sishi o3o5o5/2o5x
sissid gofix
sissidagad gaghi || gofix,   gashia,   sishi || fix
snifthi-verf snifthi
snit cube + n-p honeycomb
spid cypit
spil-verf spil
squaf icates
squahix bro
squahop barn
squap octacube,   spiddish
squapen bersa
squasc octasc
squat octh
squatet brox,   nitarin,   rixasarx
squepe octepe
squete octete
squippy octpy
squippyp hexaico,   traltisdip
squoc brade
squoct brinoh
srid x3o3o5o3*a
staf cyloh
stappy gikepy
starpglass starpglassit
stip gikagid,   raggix
suph cyooh


tac gee,   penth
taccasc geeasc
taccup garag,   rez,   rilastaf
tacpy geepy
teddi dodeca-diminished rotunda of ex,   icau pretasto,   idimex,   ikadoaid,   oFFxx3xxoof3fooxo3ooffx&#zx,   telex,   xofo3ooox3oxoo&#xt
tekah bichon,   m3m3m3o
tepasc rixasc
tepe rix,   tessarit,   trial triddip
tepepy rixpy
tes durat,   icarico,   icot,   oq3oq3oo4uo&#zh
tet 3{4}2{3}2{3}2,   4hi,   4{4}2{3}2{3}2,   5{4}2{3}2{3}2,   6pen,   gap dual,   gico,   gistic,   gogishi,   heath,   m3m3o3o,   m3o3o3m,   m3o3o4m,   oqo3ooq&#xt,   quidex,   radh,   tibbic,   tibbid,   tibbit
tet-dim-doe pd{3,5,3}
teta ope penal rappip
tetaf hixalrix,   penaf
tetcube 0_3111
tetdip he
tete penit
tethex tark
tethix treday
tethop tru
tetoct bragabrox,   sez
tetpen trene
tetrap torfy
tettac tarv
tettepe lanquoh
thah tho
thahp rhohid
that ahach
thex oq3oq3oo4uo&#zh
tho hehad
thox guhsa
ti aphexah
tibbid bidot,   durat
tic o3o4x4o4*b
tid o3o5x5o5*b
tikit bideca,   m3m3m3o,   m3m3o3o
tin-verf tin
tisdip icarit,   nit,   pabac sirn,   rapasrip
tobcu gytoh
toe ashexah,   do3ox3ox4oo&#zh
topax-verf topax
tracube 0_2111
traf bidhin,   dihin,   tetaf
trahex barz,   ragabrag
trahin borfy
trahix brene
trapen broc
trarap branq
trat hihexah
tratac bark
tratepe lanq
tratet bril,   penarappip
tratetpy brilpy
tratratet 0_322
tratrip dottasibrid,   nitasirhin,   ram
traw tratgyt
treday 1_53
trene 1_43
triddip dot,   teta ope
triddippy dotpy
trigee brav
trihop breday
trioc bru
trip aurap,   tetripau tuttip,   tript,   turap
triphix ribfoh
trippasc rapesc
trippen buffy
trippepe rapepe
trippy rappy
tript rapt
trittip ramoh
trizee brake
troct brag,   ratanit
turap hosiap
tut ahexah,   oq3oq3oo4dx&#zh
tutip o3x3o3o *b3o3*c
tutrip turap


v f3o 3rasishi,   rasishi
v f5/2o ragashi
v x3o rigogishi
v x5o ragishi
v3o3x gadtaxady
v3x3o sidtaxhi
vee ka


x f3o rih
x f5/2o rofix
x q3o coatobcu,   coatoe,   dirico,   oxux3xxoo4oooo&#xt,   pabdirico,   poccont,   pox rico,   wx ox3xx4oo&#zx
x v5o rigfix
x-aze × q-aze x3oØo3*a4oØo4*a
x3v3o dattady
x4o4q x3oØo4*a3oØo4*a
xfV fVx Vxf&#zq x3o5x3o5x3o5*aØ*d *bØ*e *cØ*f
xo oq&#q gybeffip,   tisdip
xo ox&#h deca
xo ox&#k cont
xo ox&#q triddip,   xxo ooo3oxx&#xt
xo xo3ox&#q spix
xo2oq&#q 3-tisdip-blend
xo3/2ox&#q firp
xo3oo&#q tepe,   xxo ooo3oxx&#xt
xo3oo3ox&#q penaspid,   scad,   xo3oo3oo3ox&#q
xo3ox&#h batatoh
xo3ox&#q etetaco,   gyspid,   hocubasiddo,   spid,   tetaco,   tetaco altut,   tetaco ausrip,   tetacoa cube,   tetacoaoct,   xo3oo3ox&#q
xo4ox&#q spic
xx ox&#q tetaco ausrip
xxo oxx&#q card
xxo&#q cope,   eoctaco,   etetaco,   tobcupe,   tricupe


zee ek,   hepth
zeep riv

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