Acronym dox (old: gex)
Name dodecahedronary hexacosachoron
(great hexacosachoron),
compound of 25 ico
Coxeter symbol 5{3,3,5}[25{3,4,3}]{3,3,5}
Circumradius 1
Inradius 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707107
  • (1, 0, 0, 0)                                         & all permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed q-hex)
  • (1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2)                             & all permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed tes)
  • ((1+sqrt(5))/4, (sqrt(5)-1)/4, 1/4, 0)   & all even permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed v-sadi)
General of army ex
Colonel of regiment sishi
Captain of company sidtixhi
Admiral of fleet ex
related compounds:
Grünbaumian relatives:
dittady+dox   gidtixhi+dox   sidtixhi+dox  
general polytopal classes:

Dox occurs in 2 different forms depending on whether the vertices (coincident by 5) will be counted separately (type A), or will be identified (type B).

Dox also can be seen as a compound of 5 chi, again either counting the incident vertices separately (type C), or identifying them (type D).

Incidence matrix

(Type A)

 600     8 |   12 |   6 ||  1
   2 | 2400 |    3 |   3 ||  1
   3 |    3 | 2400 |   2 ||  1
  6 |   12 |    8 | 600 ||  1
 24 |   96 |   96 |  24 || 25

(Type B)

 120    40 |   60 |  30 ||  5
   2 | 2400 |    3 |   3 ||  1
   3 |    3 | 2400 |   2 ||  1
  6 |   12 |    8 | 600 ||  1
 24 |   96 |   96 |  24 || 25

(Type C)

  600     8 |   12 |   6 || 1
    2 | 2400 |    3 |   3 || 1
    3 |    3 | 2400 |   2 || 1
   6 |   12 |    8 | 600 || 1
 120 |  480 |  480 | 120 || 5

(Type D)

  120    40 |   60 |  30 || 5
    2 | 2400 |    3 |   3 || 1
    3 |    3 | 2400 |   2 || 1
   6 |   12 |    8 | 600 || 1
 120 |  480 |  480 | 120 || 5

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