Acronym durat
Name cubic-tegmatic tetracontateron,
rectified-triacontiditeron dual,
joined penteract
Dual rat
Face vector 42, 240, 400, 240, 40
general polytopal classes:
Catalan polytera  

This polyteron can be obtained as the tegum sum of a pent and a q-scaled tac. Here all the edges of the former remain as small ones, while the long ones come in as interconnections of the 2 vertex set members. In fact each facet itself is the tegum sum an edge of the latter with the fully orthogonal cube of the former, thus thereby becoming a taller variant of cute.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

o3m3o3o4o =
qo3oo3oo3oo4ox&#zc   → height = 0, 
                       c = sqrt(5)/2 = 1.118034 (size of lacing edges)
                       y = sqrt(2) = 1.414214 (tip-to-tip diagonals)
(tegum sum of q-tac with pent)

o.3o.3o.3o.4o.     | 10  *   16  0 |  32  0 |  24 |  8
.o3.o3.o3.o4.o     |  * 32    5  5 |  20 10 |  30 | 10
oo3oo3oo3oo4oo&#c  |  1  1 | 160  *    4  0 |   6 |  4
.. .. .. .. .x     |  0  2 |   * 80    4  4 |  12 |  6
.. .. .. .. ox&#c  |  1  2 |   2  1 | 320  * |   3 |  3
.. .. .. .o4.x     |  0  4 |   0  4 |   * 80 |   3 |  3
.. .. .. oo4ox&#c  |  1  4 |   4  4 |   4  1 | 240 |  2  variant of squippy
qo .. oo3oo4ox&#zc |  2  8 |  16 12 |  24  6 |  12 | 40  variant of cute

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