Acronym ...
Name Shephard's 3-generalised hexadecachoron,
complex polychoron x2-3-o2-3-o2-4-o3,
Vertex figure x2-3-o2-4-o3
Coordinates 3n, 0, 0, 0)   & all permutations, each for any 1≤n≤3, where ε3=exp(2πi/3)
Dual x3-4-o2-3-o2-3-o2
Face vector 12, 54, 108, 81
more general:
general polytopal classes:
complex polytopes  

This complex polychoron is somewhat special in so far as its edges, faces, and calls all are degenerate, i.e. remain real space polytopes only. However, its vertex figure is the truely complex polyhedron x2-3-o2-4-o3. Thence it still remains embeddable into a real space polyzetton, in fact into the tegum product of 4 (fully orthogonal) triangles. In fact the to be chosen cells are just the lacing tets, which have one vertex on each of those triangles.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


.    .    .    .  | 12   9 |  27 | 27
x2   .    .    .  |  2 | 54    6 |  9
x2-3-o2   .    .  |  3 |  3 | 108 |  3
x2-3-o2-3-o2   .    4 |  6 |   4 | 81

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