Acronym sistic
Name small stellated icositetrachoron,
compound of 6 hex,
compound of 2 stico
Circumradius 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707107
Inradius 1/sqrt(8) = 0.353553
  • (1/sqrt(2), 0, 0, 0)                                             & all permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed first hex component)
  • (±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8))   & all permutations, even number of minus signs
    (vertex inscribed second hex component)
  • (±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8), ±1/sqrt(8))   & all permutations, odd number of minus signs
    (vertex inscribed third hex component)
  • (1/2, 1/2, 0, 0)                                                  & all permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed dual stico component)
General of army stoc
Dual gistic
hex   stico  
general polytopal classes:

Comes in 4 types, depending on the pairs of co-realmic tet (in dual positioning): being counted separately (type A,C) or being combined to so compounds as well (type B,D), and whether the components are being considered to be hexes (type A,B), or to be sticoes (type C,D).

As the snub of tes is nothing but hex, accordingly the snub of gico will be stico.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

(Type A)

  48    6 |  12 |  8 || 1
   2 | 144 |   4 |  4 || 1
   3 |   3 | 192 |  2 || 1
  4 |   6 |   4 | 96 || 1
  8 |  24 |  32 | 16 || 6

(Type B)

  48    6 |  12 |  8 || 1
   2 | 144 |   4 |  4 || 1
   3 |   3 | 192 |  2 || 1
  8 |  12 |   8 | 48 || 2
  8 |  24 |  32 | 16 || 6

(Type C)

  48    6 |  12 |  8 || 1
   2 | 144 |   4 |  4 || 1
   3 |   3 | 192 |  2 || 1
  4 |   6 |   4 | 96 || 1
 24 |  72 |  96 | 48 || 2

(Type D)

  48    6 |  12 |  8 || 1
   2 | 144 |   4 |  4 || 1
   3 |   3 | 192 |  2 || 1
  8 |  12 |   8 | 48 || 2
 24 |  72 |  96 | 48 || 2

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