Acronym bad
Name biprismatododecateron
Field of sections
Circumradius sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866025
Vertex figure
  1. (1/sqrt(8), 1/sqrt(8), 1/sqrt(8); 0; sqrt(3/8))   & any even change of signs
    (dual pair of tip tets)
  2. (1/sqrt(2), 0, 0; 1/2; 0)   & all permutations in the first 3 coordinates, all changes of sign
    (equatorial pseudo ope)
Colonel of regiment dot
Face vector 20, 90, 210, 150, 32
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

Incidence matrix

20   9 |  18 18 |  6  36 |  6  9
 2 | 90 |   4  4 |  2  12 |  4  4
 3 |  3 | 120  * |  1   2 |  2  1
 4 |  4 |   * 90 |  0   4 |  2  2
 4 |  6 |   4  0 | 30   * |  2  0  (tet)
 6 |  9 |   2  3 |  * 120 |  1  1  (trip)
10 | 30 |  20 15 |  5  10 | 12  *  (firp)
 9 | 18 |   6  9 |  0   6 |  * 20  (triddip)

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