Acronym ...
Name vertex figure of spinotriacontaditeron
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt(5/6) = 0.912871
General of army tisdip
a   b              g   h
 c                  i   
d   e              j   k
 f                  l   
Face vector 12, 36, 36, 12
general polytopal classes:
noble polytopes  

The (rotational) symmetry of the incidence matrix shows that this polychoron would be (at least combinatorically) equivalent to its dual.

The cell (shown right) happens to be in turn the vertex figure of garpop.

Incidence matrix

12 |  4  2 |  4  6 |  6
 2 | 24  * |  1  2 |  3  ae,ah q
 2 |  * 12 |  2  2 |  4  al h
 4 |  2  2 | 24  * |  2  ahdk,afgl qh(-q)h verf(cho)
 3 |  2  1 |  * 12 |  2  afh qqh verf(hip)
 6 |  6  4 |  2  4 | 12  acdfhk,abfghl verf(garpop)

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