Acronym hudsi
Name great noble triangular hexecontahedron,
dual of H-stellation of icosahedron,
H-faceting of dodecahedron,
vertex figure of paphacki,
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Circumradius sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866025
Vertex figure
  1. (1/2, 1/2, 1/2)   & all permutations, all changes of sign
    (vertex inscribed cube)
  2. (τ/2, τ-1/2, 0)   & even permutations, all changes of sign
where τ = (1+sqrt(5))/2
General of army v-doe
Face vector 20, 90, 60

Although hudsi is more directly been seen as a faceting of the dodecahedron, it well can be considered dually as being related to a stellation of the icosahedron. For the latter the du Val namings of complete shells, being used in turn within the set of "the fifty-nine [stellated] icosahedra", got known as a standard. The former lack such a standard. This is why the acronym is based on the dual figure.

As an abstract polyhedron hudsi is isomorph to dudsi, thereby maintaining the q-edges, but replacing the f-edges by v-edges, resp. replacing the triangular faces from being pip vertex figures into being stip vertex figures. – It then still remains vertex inscribed into a v-doe.

Incidence matrix

20 |  6  3 |  9
 2 | 60  * |  2  q
 2 |  * 30 |  2  f
 3 |  2  1 | 60  verf(pip)

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