Acronym hosiap
Name hollow stellated icosatetrachoric antiprism,
pseudo stico atop pseudo stico
Circumradius sqrt(5/8) = 0.790569
Vertex figure
Lace city
in approx. ASCII-art
o s O s o	-- pseudo xoo3ooo3oxo *b3oox (being removed stico = 3 hex compound)
o s O s o	-- pseudo xoo3ooo3oxo *b3oox (being removed stico = 3 hex compound)

o = o3o3o (point)
s = xo3oo3ox (so)
O = o3x3o (oct)
Coordinates (1/2, 1/2, 0, 0; 1/sqrt(8))   & all permutations of all but last coord, all changes of sign
General of army 1/sqrt(2) height-scaled icope
Face vector 48, 336, 768, 624, 144
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

This uniform polyteron can be obtained as the blend of 6 hins, each being considered as the segmentoteron hex || gyro hex, thereby producing a double covered stico on either base, which then get withdrawn. In fact, this non-reduced blend in turn is nothing but the holosnub of gico.

Both pseudo bases are aligned parallel in the same orientation. But its height is a bit smaller than that for the stico prism. Rather it belongs to the army of a 1/sqrt(2) height-scaled icope.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

reduced( (xoo)(xoo)3(ooo)(ooo)3(oxo)(oxo) *b3(oox)(oox)&#x by both sticoes)   → height = 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707107
(shallower version of pseudo stico || pseudo stico)

(o..)(...)3(o..)(...)3(o..)(...) *b3(o..)(...)    & | 48    6   8 |  12  36 |  8  32  12 |  8 10
(x..)(...) (...)(...) (...)(...)    (...)(...)    & |  2 | 144   *    4   4 |  4   8   2 |  4  4
(o..)(.o.)3(o..)(.o.)3(o..)(.o.) *b3(o..)(.o.)&#x & |  2 |   * 192    0   6 |  0   6   3 |  3  2
(x..)(...)3(o..)(...) (...)(...)    (...)(...)    & |  3 |   3   0 | 192   * |  2   2   0 |  2  2
(x..)(.o.) (...)(...) (...)(...)    (...)(...)&#x & |  3 |   1   2 |   * 576 |  0   2   1 |  2  1
(x..)(...)3(o..)(...)3(o..)(...)    (...)(...)    &   4 |   6   0 |   4   0 | 96   *   * |  1  1
(x..)(.o.)3(o..)(.o.) (...)(...)    (...)(...)&#x &   4 |   3   3 |   1   3 |  * 384   * |  1  1
(x..)(.o.) (...)(...) (o..)(.x.)    (...)(...)&#x &   4 |   2   4 |   0   4 |  *   * 144 |  2  0
(x..)(.o.)3(o..)(.o.)3(o..)(.x.)    (...)(...)&#x &   8 |  12  12 |   8  24 |  2   8   6 | 48  *
(x..)(.o.)3(o..)(.o.) (...)(...) *b3(o..)(.o.)&#x &   5 |   6   4 |   4   6 |  1   4   0 |  * 96

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