Acronym starpglassit
Name pentagrammic-retroprismatic-hourglass tegum,
pentagrammic-retroprismatic-hourglass bipyramid
Circumradius 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707107
Lace city
in approx. ASCII-art
 p   o		where:
      		p = x5/2o, p' = o5/2x
o   p' 		o = o5/2o
Face vector 12, 30, 27, 9

Despite the starpglass itself incorporates q-edges as well, the tegum thereon resolves these into square faces in the sense of o || q || o. Thence this polychoron happens to be orbiform.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


o...5/2o...     & | 10 * |  2  2 | 1  4 1 | 2 2
.o..5/2.o..     & |  * 2   0 10 | 0 10 5 | 2 5
x...   ....     & |  2 0 | 10  * | 1  2 0 | 2 1
oo..5/2oo..&#x  & |  1 1 |  * 20 | 0  2 1 | 1 2
x...5/2o...     & |  5 0 |  5  0 | 2  * * | 2 0  {5/2}
xo..   ....     & |  2 1 |  1  2 | * 20 * | 1 1
oooo5/2oooo&#xr   |  2 2 |  0  4 | *  * 5 | 0 2  as factor's q-lacings x-tegum
xo..5/2oo..&#x  &   5 1 |  5  5 | 1  5 0 | 4 *
xo(-x)o ...&#xr     4 2 |  2  8 | 0  4 2 | * 5

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