Acronym ditti
Name ditrigonal icosahedron,
vertex figure of idhi
Circumradius sqrt[(9+3 sqrt(5))/8] = 1.401259
Dual (selfdual)
Face vector 20, 60, 20
uniform relative:
general polytopal classes:
noble   isogonals  
wikipedia   polytopewiki  

Ditti is a self-dual noble polyhedron with 2 types of edges of size x = 1 (those of the doe hull) and those of size F = ff = f+x = (3+sqrt(5))/2 = 2.618034 (of the vertex inscribed F-gissid). Its faces are propeller tripods or concave ditrigons of form (-x)3F.

From the picture or the just mentioned hull it becomes obvious that it is a faceting of doe. But as the long edges describe a gissid and that one in turn is an edge-stellation of ike, together with the fact that the central triangle of the propeller tripod faces outlines just the faces of this ike, it becomes obvious that it also is a face-stellation (greatening) of this ike as well.

Incidence matrix

20 |  3  3 |  6
 2 | 30  * |  2  x
 2 |  * 30 |  2  F
 6 |  3  3 | 20  (-x)3F

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