ensmoothening scribbles

Presented for your consideration: the somewhat disappointing results of an experiment in using piecewise polynomial spirals, of varying degrees of continuity, to fit the Takana — disappointing in that few if any of the curves are as pretty as I hoped.

I treat here only those that can be drawn with a single stroke. (The others can be built by combining subsets of these strokes.) In each chart, the degree of continuity increases downward, and the degree of the polynomials increases to the right.

A polynomial spiral is a curve whose tangent angle is a polynomial function of arc length; it has the form integral(exp(i*f(t))). (I implement it as a Taylor series.) In principle, f could be any real-valued function. If f is constant, you get a straight line; if f is linear (leftmost column in these small charts), you get a circle; if f is quadratic, you get an Euler spiral or Cornu spiral or clothoid, which is much used in railroads and highways to avoid sudden changes in lateral acceleration.

Here f is a least-squares fit to the step function which is the direction of the squared stroke. The top row of the chart shows continuity of degree zero: the component arcs meet, but that’s all; f is discontinuous. Degree one: the tangent angle is a continuous function of arc length. Degree two: the first derivative of tangent angle with respect to arc length, i.e. the curvature, is continuous. Degree n: the (n-1)th derivative of tangent angle, i.e. the (n-2)th derivative of curvature, is continuous.

Click each chart to extend it.

Later: I have come to a couple of conclusions. In most of these charts, the best entry to my eye is where f is piecewise quadratic with one continuous derivative. More than one degree of polynomial above the continuous degree adds little fidelity and detracts from beauty.

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4 Responses to ensmoothening scribbles

  1. jonas says:

    You have an extra letter “f” at the very beginning of the HTML for your blog pages, before the very first declaration. I feel that’s not a good idea, especially on a page with a “Valid XHTML” label on the side.

  2. Anton says:

    Thank you. How odd. Maybe I should remove that Valid XHTML link. 😉

  3. Anton says:

    Most strokes are recurved near the tips; I consider this an aesthetic flaw. It’s unavoidable when f(t) is a least-squares fit to a piecewise constant function. I’d like to find another smoothing principle.

  4. Anton says:

    The recurve can probably be avoided thus: start with a linear fit, then a quadratic fit to the linear rather than to the constant …

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