Monthly Archives: December 2004

Protestant music?

One of my correspondents made a joke that could be read as implying that J S Bach (1685–1750) was a Protestant. Which got me to wondering: who was the earliest Protestant composer whose name I’d know? Henry Purcell (1659–95) comes … Continue reading

Posted in music+verse, religion | Leave a comment

if only you believed in miracles

Travis found a choice rant by Don Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek: But the bluest blue-state left-“liberal” atheist oughtn’t be too quick with the self-congratulatory praise of his or her own rational faculties. Most left-liberals are pure creationists when it comes … Continue reading

Posted in economics, politics | Leave a comment

guess what

Travis doesn’t like “bioethicists” either.

Posted in luddites, medicine, politics | Leave a comment


I trust you sha’n’t be shocked to know that my social life is dead enough to drive me to sign up on a matchmaking website. It’s rather entertaining, actually. I am amazed (and a wee bit dismayed) that only two … Continue reading

Posted in me!me!me! | 2 Comments

there are things I’d rather have than WiFi

Matt Smith on confused telecoms policy in San Francisco. So that’s why I so often get bad connections there!

Posted in California, politics, technology | Leave a comment


Dick Fischbeck has a new website for a kind of structure that he calls Randome, formed of overlapping shallow cones.

Posted in mathematics | 1 Comment

movies recently rented

Ballada o Soldate (1959). A Russian soldier wins a brief leave to go visit his mother, and has encounters and mishaps on the way. A simple tale, gorgeously shot. Anatomy of a Murder (1959). Sex, violence and cross-examination. Includes George … Continue reading

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