movies recently rented

Ballada o Soldate (1959). A Russian soldier wins a brief leave to go visit his mother, and has encounters and mishaps on the way. A simple tale, gorgeously shot.

Anatomy of a Murder (1959). Sex, violence and cross-examination. Includes George C Scott younger than I had seen him. — The defendant, who saw action in Korea, describes the weapon as “a war souvenir, a Luger.” Were Lugers used much in Korea?

Beany and Cecil (1959). I was curious about this tv cartoon partly because it’s by Bob Clampett, creator of Daffy Duck; and partly because some of Larry Niven’s fiction implies that it will be remembered for centuries.
Well, that was a waste of ten minutes.

Operation Petticoat (1959), a likable war comedy.

At Home with the Braithwates (2000), tv series about a housewife breaking out. There are some amusing moments, but not enough novelty to get me to finish the second hour.

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