Color Code of Links
Used color code of links within this and all subsequent pages:
unvisited -
visited -
hover -
internal to page
VRML Models
Several pictures bear links to VRML models. Those can be seen for instance with a free browser plug-in from
allowance will not be a must within this site. Even so, the reduction marks (±) in tree-lists (as in the site map above) would not work,
nor would some few interactive VRMLs. Further the improved color-softed display of incidene matrices could not appreceated then (but, for sure,
the matrices would be completely visible nevertheless).
For contents of external websites no warrenty can be provided. Any site administrator himself is responsible for the there provided contents.
At the moment of link assignment those appeared appropriate. Any awareness of no longer appropriate contents or broken links would be
appreciated and according necessary changes would be included in the following update.