Moving, one rediscovers many miscellaneous old papers. I think I copied this down from a comic skit about spies:
“Would you care to purchase a pair of mittens?” “It depends on the yarn.” “In Italy it is illegal to record the ring of a telephone.” “Which lasts longer, silk or rayon underwear?” “How do you say ‘tooth powder’ in Portuguese?” “Cats are nothing more than effeminate dogs.” “The fireplace has flown south for the winter.” “What do you say to a centipede on opening night? Break four or five legs.”
The web site,12728/ mentions “Cats are nothing more than effeminate dogs” and may refer to the source of this.
“How do you say ‘tooth powder’ in Portuguese?”
Po de dente.
Po dos dentes. (plural)
Po para os dentes.
Portuguese seems more long-winded than English.