Goodies from today’s Rational Review News Digest:
“Statist Joe” by Gil Guillory, a response to “Conservative Joe”, a Progressive satire that has been going around and is included as a footnote.
He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water which he bought from Ozarka, because the local government monopoly of water supply bears the comforting designation of “accepted” and also tastes funny.
He thinks back to going to church on Sunday. He is happy to have a community where he can participate with other like-minded people in ceremony. This was made possible by the long struggle to disentangle church and state, and his church enjoys the absence of taxation. He wishes other aspects of his life could be so free.
“Still the City Upon a Hill” by Olaf Gersemann
But the European model provides more fairness, more equal opportunity, right? Wrong. More than anything else, equal opportunity means equal access to education and the labor market. In both cases, the United States might not do as well as one might wish. But continental Europe’s Big Three are certainly doing considerably worse.