Monthly Archives: December 2004

temporal foreshortening

On a private mailing list someone wrote: having just seen the 1951 Britisher version of the Dickens Christmas Carol, it struck me that free marketeers should really live in Dickensian England and try work their way out from the bottom. … Continue reading

Posted in economics, prose | Leave a comment

arm’s length

Tyler Cowen (cited by Travis) quotes a NYT article: . . . participants [at a retreat for autistics] . . . can wear color-coded badges that indicate whether they are willing to be approached for conversation. and remarks: I will be very happy if … Continue reading

Posted in psychology | 1 Comment

Doctor Matrix’s little helpers

Ed Pegg writes: I’d like to do a “behind the scenes” look at Mathematical Games for an article. Martin [Gardner] did lots, but he avidly used a lot of help from hundreds of people. I’d like to write an article … Continue reading

Posted in eye-candy, mathematics | Leave a comment


contrarian road design the GI Bill: a bad thing

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how are cases named?

How did the medical marijuana case now before the Supreme Court come to be called Ashcroft v Raich? I gather that it began life as a criminal case, which would normally be titled US v Raich. Or it could be … Continue reading

Posted in constitution, drugwar, law | Leave a comment

liens nus

Among the Bourgeoisophobes another Strange Bedfellows story about Ashcroft v Raich Assault Weapon Watch toward a Psychiatric State

Posted in humanities | Leave a comment

mud sticks

[Upton] Sinclair wrote The Jungle [1906] to ignite a socialist movement on behalf of America’s workers. He did not even pretend to have actually witnessed or verified the horrendous conditions he ascribed to Chicago packing houses. Instead, he relied heavily … Continue reading

Posted in drugwar | Leave a comment