Acronym sad phiddix
Name small dipentary hecatonicosadishexacosachoron
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt[4+sqrt(5)] = 2.497212
Vertex figure
Colonel of regiment padohi
Face vector 1440, 7200, 7200, 1320
Confer prissi  
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

As abstract polytope sad phiddix is isomorphic to gad phiddix, thereby interchanging the roles of ike and gike wrt. real vs. pseudo cells and the likewise changed alignments of tut.

Prissi is known to be a non-uniform scaliform faceting of padohi which uses a (sub-symmetrical) sub-skeleton only. An according full-symmetrical blend of 25 such prissies (5 per vertex), using modular 2 reductions and blending in turn the co-realmic tricues into ohos, would result in this polychoron.

Incidence matrix

1440 |    5    5 |    5    5   10 |   1   5   5
   2 | 3600    * |    2    0    2 |   1   2   1  edges of ike
   2 |    * 3600 |    0    2    2 |   0   2   2  edges of pseudo gike
   3 |    3    0 | 2400    *    * |   1   1   0
   3 |    0    3 |    * 2400    * |   0   1   1
   6 |    3    3 |    *    * 2400 |   0   1   1
 12 |   30    0 |   20    0    0 | 120   *   *
 12 |   12   12 |    4    4    4 |   * 600   *
 12 |    6   12 |    0    4    4 |   *   * 600

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