Acronym rappisdi
Name retroantiprismatosnub disicositetrachoron
Cross sections
Circumradius 1
Vertex figure
Coordinates ((1+sqrt(5))/4, (sqrt(5)-1)/4, 1/4, 0)   & all even permutations, all changes of sign
General of army sadi
Colonel of regiment icoic subregiment of sishi
Face vector 96, 720, 864, 144
uniform relatives:
related scaliform:
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

Note that on dritit, the edges that connect stars to squares look like two different classes, but in rappisdi, they become one class. Same with the edges where pentagons meet squares. Also the squares themselves look like two classes in the verf, but become one class in rappisdi.

This polychoron has ionic icoic symmetry.

Incidence matrix

96    3  12 |  3   9   9   6 |  6  3  3
 2 | 144   * |  2   2   2   0 |  4  1  1
 2 |   * 576 |  0   1   1   1 |  1  1  1
 3 |   3   0 | 96   *   *   * |  2  0  0
 3 |   1   2 |  * 288   *   * |  1  1  0
 3 |   1   2 |  *   * 288   * |  1  0  1
 3 |   0   3 |  *   *   * 192 |  0  1  1
 6 |   6   6 |  2   3   3   0 | 96  *  *  (oct)
12 |   6  24 |  0  12   0   8 |  * 24  *  (ike)
12 |   6  24 |  0   0  12   8 |  *  * 24  (gike)

holosnubbed form: rappisdi+mesdi+288{4}

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