Acronym siid
TOCID symbol iID*
Name small icosicosidodecahedron
Circumradius sqrt[(17+3 sqrt(5))/8] = 1.721489
Vertex figure [5/2,6,3,6]
Snub derivation /
General of army f3o5x
Dihedral angles
  • between {5/2} and {6}:   arccos(-sqrt[(5+2 sqrt(5))/15]) = 142.622632°
  • between {3} and {6}:   arccos(-sqrt(5)/3) = 138.189685°
Colonel of regiment (is itself locally convex – other uniform polyhedral members: sidditdid   siddy – other edge facetings)
Face vector 60, 120, 52
general polytopal classes:
Wythoffian polyhedra  
hedrondude   wikipedia   polytopewiki   WikiChoron   mathworld   Polyedergarten

As abstract polytope siid is isomorphic to giid, thereby replacing pentagrams by pentagons and prograde triangles by retrograde ones.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


.   . .    | 60 |  2  2 |  1  2  1
x   . .    |  2 | 60  * |  1  1  0
.   . x    |  2 |  * 60 |  0  1  1
x5/2o .    |  5 |  5  0 | 12  *  *
x   . x3*a |  6 |  3  3 |  * 20  *
.   o3x    |  3 |  0  3 |  *  * 20


.   .   .    | 60 |  2  2 |  1  2  1
x   .   .    |  2 | 60  * |  1  1  0
.   .   x    |  2 |  * 60 |  0  1  1
x3/2o   .    |  3 |  3  0 | 20  *  *
x   .   x3*a |  6 |  3  3 |  * 20  *
.   o5/3x    |  5 |  0  5 |  *  * 12


both( . . . ) | 60 |  2  2 |  1  1  2
both( . . x ) |  2 | 60  * |  0  1  1
sefa( β5o . ) |  2 |  * 60 |  1  0  1
      β5o .     5 |  0  5 | 12  *  *
both( . o3x ) |  3 |  3  0 |  * 20  *
sefa( β5o3x ) |  6 |  3  3 |  *  * 20

starting figure: x5o3x

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