Acronym sladid (old: sit)
Name small lanceal disdodecahedron,
strombic icositetrahedron,
deltoidal icositetrahedron,
tetragonal icosikaitetrahedron
Inradius sqrt[(78+47 sqrt(2))/68] = 1.457577
Vertex figure [kLL4], [kLS4], [KSS3]
  • (a, 0, 0)/sqrt(2)   & all permutations and all changes of sign
    (kLL vertices, vertex-inscribed a-oct, a = sqrt[5+1/sqrt(2)] = 2.388955)
  • (b, b, 0)/sqrt(2)   & all permutations and all changes of sign
    (kLS vertices, vertex-inscribed b-co, b = sqrt[10+sqrt(2)]/2 = 1.689246)
  • (c, c, c)/2            & all permutations and all changes of sign
    (KSS vertices, vertex-inscribed c-cube, c = sqrt[2+sqrt(2)] = 1.847759)
Dihedral angles
  • at long edge:   arccos[-(7+4 sqrt(2))/17] = 138.117959°
  • at short edge:   arccos[-(7+4 sqrt(2))/17] = 138.117959°
Dual sirco
Face vector 26, 48, 24
general polytopal classes:
Catalan polyhedra  
wikipedia   polytopewiki   mathworld   quickfur

The kites {(kLS,kLL,kLS,KSS)} have vertex angles k = kLS = kLL = arccos[(2-sqrt(2))/4] = 81.578942° resp. K = KSS = arccos[-(2+sqrt(2))/8] = 115.263174°.

Edge sizes used here are kLSKSS = x = 1 (short) resp. kLLkLS = d = 2-1/sqrt(2) = 1.292893 (long). – The pseudo edge of size e is the symmetric diagonal of the kites, while the pseudo edge of size b is the asymmetric diagonal of the kites.

The following description is based on the fact that it also is the convex hull (or tegum sum) of 3 polyhedra, an a-scaled oct (kLL vertices), a b-scaled co (kLS vertices), and a c-scaled cube (KSS vertices). Note moreover that, just as its dual's (sirco) square faces form sets of lacing faces of perfect inscribed ops, here as well the kLL and kLS vertices together form 3 mutually orthogonal perfect regular octagons. These octagons will have a circumradius a/q = b and a side length d = kLLkLS.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

m3o4m =
aoo3obo4ooc&#z(d,x,e)   → height = 0
                          a = kLLkLS x(8,2) = sqrt[5+1/sqrt(2)] = 2.388955
                          b = kLSkLS = a/q = sqrt[10+sqrt(2)]/2 = 1.689246
                          c = kLSKSS x(8,2) = sqrt[2+sqrt(2)] = 1.847759
                          d = kLLkLS = lacing(1,2) = 2-1/sqrt(2) = 1.292893
                          e = kLLKSS = lacing(1,3) = sqrt[3-1/sqrt(2)] = 1.514230

o..3o..4o..         | 6  * * |  4  0 |  4  [kLL4]
.o.3.o.4.o.         | * 12 * |  2  2 |  4  [kLS4]
..o3..o4..o         | *  * 8 |  0  3 |  3  [KSS3]
oo.3oo.4oo.&#d      | 1  1 0 | 24  * |  2  d
.oo3.oo4.oo&#x      | 0  1 1 |  * 24 |  2  x
... obo ...&#(d,x)t | 1  2 1 |  2  2 | 24  {(kLS,kLL,kLS,KSS)}

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