Acronym birgax
Name bi-icositetra-replenished grand hexacosachoron
Circumradius (sqrt(5)-1)/2 = 0.618034
Vertex figure
Face vector 72, 216, 192, 48
general polytopal classes:
noble polytopes   scaliform  
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

This one can be obtained by replining the 48 vertices of an gax, which correspond to 2 vertex-inscribed v-ico. In fact 48 gikepy are to be cut off. But those gikepy would intersect themselves, resulting in targi cells instead.

Birgax has swirlprismatic symmetry. Therefore the edges of each targi divide into 2 classes in a chiral way itself!

As abstract polytope birgax is isomorph to bidex, thereby replacing pentagrams by pentagons, resp. replacing targi by teddi.

Incidence matrix

72 |   4  2 |  2  3  5 |  6
 2 | 144  * |  1  1  1 |  3  : bottom or medial edges + 1 chiral edge each of the lateral {3} of targi
 2 |   * 72 |  0  1  3 |  4  : other edges of targi
 3 |   3  0 | 48  *  * |  2  : bottom or medial {3} of targi
 3 |   2  1 |  * 72  * |  2  : lateral {3} of targi
 5 |   2  3 |  *  * 72 |  2  : {5/2}
 9 |   9  6 |  2  3  3 | 48  : targi

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