Acronym ...
Name Shephard's 3-generalised cube,
complex polyhedron x3-4-o2-3-o2,
Circumradius 1
Vertex figure trig
Coordinates 3n, ε3m, ε3k)/sqrt(3)   for any 1≤n,m,k≤3, where ε3=exp(2πi/3)
Dual x2-3-o2-4-o3
Face vector 27, 27, 9
more general:
real space embedding:
general polytopal classes:
complex polytopes  
wikipedia   polytopewiki  

The (complex) edges then are x3-4-o2, which were nothing but the set of triangles of the respective triddips each. The vertex figure here is just x2-3-o2, i.e. nothing but the real space triangle.

The below various incidence representations are direct, next dimensional consequences from what was explained already at xp-4-o2 = xp   xp. I.e. the according cartesian or prism product applies for complex polytopes alike.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


.    .    .  | 27 |  3 | 3
x3   .    .  |  3 | 27 | 2
x3-4-o2   .    9 |  6 | 9

x3   x3-4-o2

.    .    .  | 27 | 1  2 | 2 1
x3   .    .  |  3 | 9  * | 2 0
.    x3   .  |  3 | * 18 | 1 1
x3   x3   .    9 | 3  3 | 6 *
.    x3-4-o2   9 | 0  6 | * 3

x3   x3   x3

.    .    .  | 27 | 1 1 1 | 1 1 1
x3   .    .  |  3 | 9 * * | 1 1 0
.    x3   .  |  3 | * 9 * | 1 0 1
.    .    x3 |  3 | * * 9 | 0 1 1
x3   x3   .    9 | 3 3 0 | 3 * *
x3   .    x3   9 | 3 0 3 | * 3 *
.    x3   x3   9 | 0 3 3 | * * 3

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