For once I’m caught up on all my favorite webtoons. Here are links to their archives.
Sabrina; Soap on a Rope; Goats; Fluble; Ozy and Millie; Freefall; PVP; Bobbins; GPF; College Roomies from Hell!!!; You Damn Kid; When I Grow Up; Absurd Notions; Alice!; Snail Dust; Sinfest; JoBeth; Schlock Mercenary; Tonja Steele; Chopping Block; MegaTokyo; Shaw Island; The New Adventures of Bobbin!; The Gods of Arr-Kelaan; Casey and Andy; Planet Earth (and other tourist traps); Loserz; Tales of the Questor; Something Positive; Slow Wave; Wigu; Cyberbooty; Nothing Nice to Say; Sam and Fuzzy; Scandal Sheet!; Scary Go Round; The Dementia of Magic; Catharsis; Irregular Webcomic!; Bull and Bunny; Better Days; Why The Long Face; Antihero for Hire; Questionable Content; Hellbound; Girl Genius; Everyone Drunk But Me; Gunnerkrigg Court; Jesus and Mo; Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life.
How about Scott Beiser and L. Neil Smith’s “Roswell, Texas“?
Didn’t care for it. I do like Escape from Terra and Quantum Vibe, though.
And where are they now?
Unless noted, the archives remain. Those not listed are still going.
Fluble archive
Bobbins revived; I don’t know how it relates in continuity to Old Bobbins / Scary Go Round / Bad Machinery.
Scary Go Round archive
Irregular Webcomic resumed funnies in 2015.
Sabrina concluded September(?) 2016.