Acronym sistople (old: stodop)
Name square-octagram plus-prism,
octagram diorthoprism,
compound of 2 sistodip
Circumradius sqrt[(3+sqrt(2))/2] = 1.485633
General of army tat
Colonel of regiment (subregimental to gittith)
Dihedral angles
uniform relative:
quidpith   gaquipadah  

As abstract polytope sistople is isomorphic to sople, thereby replacing octagrams by octagons, resp. stop by op, resp. sistodip by sodip.

All cubes in here clearly are used as square prisms only. This simply is derived from the individual components, the sistodips. But now the square symmetry of the one sistodip cancels down the full eightfold one of the other in either of the two orthogonal subspaces. Therefore we get now "lacing cubes" (which are just underneath a single octagram) and to be distinguished "para cubes" (which are parallel to the stops). And thence the lacing squares of the two groups as well are to be distinguished. And therefore the lacing edges of those lacing squares as well have to be distinguished. Thus the octagrams would get alternating sides out of the latter ones. And likewise the squares of the stops too will be alternating.

Incidence matrix

64 |  2  1  1 |  1  2  2 1 | 1 1 2 || 1
 2 | 64  *  * |  1  1  1 0 | 1 1 1 || 1
 2 |  * 32  * |  0  2  0 1 | 1 0 2 || 1
 2 |  *  * 32 |  0  0  2 1 | 0 1 2 || 1
 4 |  4  0  0 | 16  *  * * | 1 1 0 || 1
 4 |  2  2  0 |  * 32  * * | 1 0 1 || 1
 4 |  2  0  2 |  *  * 32 * | 0 1 1 || 1
 8 |  0  4  4 |  *  *  * 8 | 0 0 2 || 1
 8 |  8  4  0 |  2  4  0 0 | 8 * * || 1  para cube
 8 |  8  0  4 |  2  0  4 0 | * 8 * || 1  lacing cube
16 |  8  8  8 |  0  4  4 2 | * * 8 || 1  stop
32 | 32 16 16 |  8 16 16 4 | 4 4 4 || 2  sistodip

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