Acronym sadtap
Name small ditetrahedronary prismatochoron,
compound of 36 dedip
Coxeter symbol 6{5,3,3}[36{;5,2;5}]
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt[3+sqrt(5)] = 2.288246
General of army hi
Colonel of regiment sidtaxhi
Confer regular  

As abstract polytope sadtap is isomorph to gadtap, thereby replacing decagons by decagrams, resp. dip by stiddip and dedip by stadidip.

Sadtap occurs in 3 different abstract polytopal forms depending on whether the vertices (coincident by 6) will be counted separately (type A), or will be identified (type B). Also edges coincide pairwise, which then might be identified additionally (type C).

Incidence matrix

(Type A)

 3600 |    4 |    4   2 |   4 ||  1
    2 | 7200 |    2   1 |   3 ||  1
    4 |    4 | 3600   * |   2 ||  1
   10 |   10 |    * 720 |   2 ||  1
  20 |   30 |   10   2 | 720 ||  1
 100 |  200 |  100  20 |  20 || 36

(Type B)

  600 |   24 |   24  12 |  24 ||  6
    2 | 7200 |    2   1 |   3 ||  1
    4 |    4 | 3600   * |   2 ||  1
   10 |   10 |    * 720 |   2 ||  1
  20 |   30 |   10   2 | 720 ||  1
 100 |  200 |  100  20 |  20 || 36

(Type C)

  600 |   12 |   24  12 |  24 ||  6
    2 | 3600 |    4   2 |   6 ||  2
    4 |    4 | 3600   * |   2 ||  1
   10 |   10 |    * 720 |   2 ||  1
  20 |   30 |   10   2 | 720 ||  1
 100 |  200 |  100  20 |  20 || 36

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