Acronym | sabred |
Name | small birhombatodecachoron |
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Circumradius | sqrt[(2a2+2ab+3b2)/5] |
Face vector | 60, 300, 340, 100 |
Confer | |
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This polychoron is the general form of one of the 3 phases of the tegum sum of 2 inverted general srip variants, ao3ob3bo3oa&#zc, here in fact the realm of 0 < b:a < 1/2. The other ones will be mabred for 1/2 < b:a < 3 resp. gabred for 3 < b:a < ∞.
Further there are singular transition cases too. The relevant ones for the current realm are the bordering cases b:a = 0 (bideca) and b:a = 1/2 (respid) respectively. While the latter limit is seen quite direct, in the former process of b → 0 one observes the followings: the b-octs clearly vanish by size, the corresponding vertices will coincide by 6; the triangular antiprisms ob3bo&#c then become an likewise 6 fold coincident single edge; but the a-base connected pairs of triangular antipodia ao3ob&#c, instead of becoming according triangular pyramids each, rather happen to swap into rosettes of 3 further disphenoids.
Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol
ao3ob3bo3oa&#zc → height = 0 c = sqrt[(3a2-2ab+2b2)/5] 0 < b:a < 1/2 o.3o.3o.3o. & | 60 | 2 4 4 | 1 2 2 6 6 | 1 4 2 2 ------------------+----+------------+------------------+------------ a. .. .. .. & | 2 | 60 * * | 1 0 0 2 0 | 0 2 1 0 .. .. b. .. & | 2 | * 120 * | 0 1 1 0 1 | 1 1 0 1 oo3oo3oo3oo&#c | 2 | * * 120 | 0 0 0 2 2 | 0 2 1 1 ------------------+----+------------+------------------+------------ a.3o. .. .. & | 3 | 3 0 0 | 20 * * * * | 0 2 0 0 .. o.3b. .. & | 3 | 0 3 0 | * 40 * * * | 1 0 0 1 .. .. b.3o. & | 3 | 0 3 0 | * * 40 * * | 1 1 0 0 ao .. .. ..&#c & | 3 | 1 0 2 | * * * 120 * | 0 1 1 0 .. ob .. ..&#c & | 3 | 0 1 2 | * * * * 120 | 0 1 0 1 ------------------+----+------------+------------------+------------ .. o.3b.3o. & | 6 | 0 12 0 | 0 4 4 0 0 | 10 * * * b-oct ao3ob .. ..&#c & | 6 | 3 3 6 | 1 0 1 3 3 | * 40 * * triangular antipodium (oct variant) ao .. .. oa&#c | 4 | 2 0 4 | 0 0 0 4 0 | * * 30 * tetragonal disphenoid (tet variant) .. ob3bo ..&#c | 6 | 0 6 6 | 0 2 0 0 6 | * * * 20 triangular antiprism (oct variant)
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