Acronym phexik
Name partially hexa-expanded icosahedron
(phexik is the extremal form of this animation)
Vertex figure [32,h2], [3,H2]
Face vector 24, 42, 20
uniform variant:
general polytopal classes:
partial Stott expansions  

The vertex angles of the shield-hexagons {(h,H)3} are h = arccos[-(3-sqrt(5))/sqrt(32)] = 97.761244° resp. H = arccos[-sqrt(5/8)] = 142.238756°.

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

xBoAfo-2-BoxfoA-2-oxBoAf-&#zx   → all heights = 0,
where A=x+1/q = 1.707107, B=f+1/q = 2.325141

o.....-2-o.....-2-o.....      & | 12  * | 1  1  2 |  2 2  [32,h2]
...o..-2-...o..-2-...o..      & |  * 12 | 0  1  2 |  1 2  [3,H2]
x.....   ......   ......      & |  2  0 | 6  *  * |  2 0
o..o..-2-o..o..-2-o..o..-&#x  & |  1  1 | * 12  * |  0 2
o....o-2-o....o-2-o....o-&#x  & |  1  1 | *  * 24 |  1 1
x....o   ......   ......      & |  2  1 | 1  0  2 | 12 *  {3}
oooooo-2-oooooo-2-oooooo-&#xr   |  3  3 | 0  3  3 |  * 8  {(h,H)3}, ring: (142536)

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