Acronym | gisdid |
Name |
great snub dodekicosidodecahedron, shub-niggurath |
Circumradius | 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707107 |
Vertex figure | [5/3,3,5/2,33] |
Colonel of regiment | (is itself not locally convex, but no other uniform polyhedral members; *) |
Face vector | 60, 180, 104 |
External links |
As abstract polytope gisdid is isomorphic to sided, thereby replacing prograde pentagrams by (prograde) pentagons, while retrrograde pentagrams keep unchanged.
* The regiment of gisdid is contained in that of gidrid. In fact, it is an edge-faceting of the great dirhombicosidodecahedron (gidrid).
Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol
s5/3s5/2s3*a demi( . . . ) | 60 | 2 2 2 | 1 1 1 3 ---------------------+----+----------+------------ sefa( s5/3s . ) | 2 | 60 * * | 1 0 0 1 sefa( s . s3*a ) | 2 | * 60 * | 0 1 0 1 sefa( . s5/2s ) | 2 | * * 60 | 0 0 1 1 ---------------------+----+----------+------------ s5/3s . ♦ 5 | 5 0 0 | 12 * * * s . s3*a ♦ 3 | 0 3 0 | * 20 * * . s5/2s ♦ 5 | 0 0 5 | * * 12 * sefa( s5/3s5/2s3*a ) | 3 | 1 1 1 | * * * 60 starting figure: x5/3x5/2x3*a
or 60 | 4 2 | 2 3 1 ---+--------+--------- 2 | 120 * | 1 1 0 (*) 2 | * 60 | 0 1 1 ---+--------+--------- 5 | 5 0 | 24 * * (*) 3 | 2 1 | * 60 * 3 | 0 3 | * * 20 (*) abstract polytopal equivalence of the pro- and retrograde pentagrammal sides is being applied in here additionally
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