Rumor concerning Yahoogroups:
Attention: Owners & Moderators please read Important!!!
If you are on other groups, or are a moderator or owner of other groups, please crosspost this notice . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Someonehas been joining communities with the nickname YAHOO COMMUNITYMONITOR, and then posting the following:Yahoo Group Managers have been receiving a few complaints about your group. I am required to join your site and monitor it for about one month. will not do anything to damage or ruin your site,I am only required to monitor it. The only thing required of you is to accept my application and make me a Manager of your group for the time I am there. If you cannot meet these requirements,Yahoo will have to shut your group down.
DO NOT!! make this person a manager! SHE/HE is a fake, and has been deleting groups once made a manager. BAN the member immediately. Please let other groups know about this problem.
Now, I’ve no idea if this is really going on, but it’s obvious that such a message would not come from someone genuinely sent by Yahoo.
Tangentially: I wish there were a convenient commercial alternative to Yahoogroups – something that would allow me to create a list with all the old Majordomo-style conveniences, for a small yearly fee, rather than being driven by advertising.