Monthly Archives: December 2004

death by safety

Independent Institute: History of Federal [drug] Regulation (cited by Sunni Maravillosa)

Posted in drugwar, medicine | Leave a comment

how soon the inevitable?

My One True Ex hears from her mother a rumor of an effort to “put the New York Public Library, the Library of Congress and the British Library on line”, and commands me to ask my Vast Network of Contacts … Continue reading

Posted in humanities, neep-neep | Leave a comment

Argentine dialect?

Mail through yesterday carried the tag Ahora podés usar Yahoo! Messenger en tu Unifón . . . . Shouldn’t podés be puedes?

Posted in language | Leave a comment


Acton: Many men have compressed their entire wisdom into portable aphorisms. Others have had it done for them. Epigraph to — what else? — a collection of excerpts from the writings of Lord Acton. I became curious as to when … Continue reading

Posted in humanities | 1 Comment

linky goodness

Robin Hanson: Is Fairness About Clear Fitness Signals? Ryan Sager: The Killing of Peter McWilliams Linda Schrock Taylor: Great Ideas of Homeschooling . . By the way, I recently tried to post a comment on an old entry, and ran into … Continue reading

Posted in psychology | Leave a comment

approof of appudding

What would political campaigns be like if approval voting — in which a vote for X cannot cause Y to lose to Z — were the rule? Candidates other than the frontrunners might do more “positive” than “negative” campaigning, in … Continue reading

Posted in constitution | Leave a comment

links without comment

Barlow v TSA (password-protected) (thanks Sunah) Tasteless Screeners Awards Gun Grabbers Say the Damnedest Things! School as prison What is Too Human? The ethics of human-animal chimeras An Indian’s Thanksgiving Proposal Give ’em what they want: more government

Posted in drugwar, futures, medicine, security theater | Leave a comment