Acronym prap vixhi
Name pentagonal retroprismatoverted hexacosahecatonicosachoron
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt[(5-sqrt(5))/2] = 1.175571
General of army rox
Colonel of regiment ragishi
Face vector 720, 3600, 3600, 720
Confer 2prapvixhi  
hedrondude   polytopewiki   WikiChoron

As abstract polytope prap vixhi is isomorphic to papvixhi, thereby replacing ike by gike.

Incidence matrix

 720 |   10 |   10   10 |   2  10
   2 | 3600 |    2    2 |   1   3
   3 |    3 | 2400    * |   1   1
   6 |    6 |    * 1200 |   0   2
 12 |   30 |   20    0 | 120   *
 12 |   18 |    4    4 |   * 600

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