Acronym pextrat
Name partially expanded triangular tiling
Vertex figure [36], [3,3,4,3,4]
uniform relative:
trat   rothat  
related CRF tilings:
general polytopal classes:
partial Stott expansions  

Application of a tripesic partial Stott contraction with respect to those triangles with full symmetry would result in trat.

This tiling allows for a 2-coloring of those triangles with full symmetry. When applying a similar partial Stott expansions with respect to the black triangles and those isolated vertices, then that would result in pacrothat.

Incidence matrix

(N → ∞)

N  * |  6  0  0 |  6  0  0  [36]
* 6N |  1  2  2 |  2  1  2  [3,3,4,3,4]
1  1 | 6N  *  * |  2  0  0
0  2 |  * 6N  * |  0  1  1
0  2 |  *  * 6N |  1  0  1
1  2 |  2  0  1 | 6N  *  *
0  3 |  0  3  0 |  * 2N  *
0  4 |  0  2  2 |  *  * 3N

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