Acronym rerahi
Name o3x3o5f,
rectified rectified-hecatonicosachoron,
variation of srahi
Circumradius sqrt[41+18 sqrt(5)] = 9.013835
General of army (is itself convex)
Colonel of regiment (is itself locally convex)
Dihedral angles
  • at x-{3} between oct and f x3o:   arccos(-sqrt[9+3 sqrt(5)]/4) = 172.238756°
  • at (x,f)-{4} between x3o5f and f x3o:   arccos(-sqrt[(3+sqrt(5))/6]) = 159.094843°
  • at f-{5} between x3o5f and x3o5f:   144°
  • at x-{3} between oct and x3o5f:   arccos(-sqrt[7+3 sqrt(5)]/4) = 157.761244°
Face vector 3600, 10800, 9120, 1920
uniform relative:
ambification pre-image:

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


. . . . | 3600 |    4    2 |    2    2    4   1 |   1    2   2
. x . . |    2 | 7200    * |    1    1    1   0 |   1    1   1
. . . f |    2 |    * 3600 |    0    0    2   1 |   0    1   2
o3x . . |    3 |    3    0 | 2400    *    *   * |   1    1   0
. x3o . |    3 |    3    0 |    * 2400    *   * |   1    0   1
. x . f |    4 |    2    2 |    *    * 3600   * |   0    1   1
. . o5f |    5 |    0    5 |    *    *    * 720 |   0    0   2
o3x3o .     6 |   12    0 |    4    4    0   0 | 600    *   *
o3x . f     6 |    6    3 |    2    0    3   0 |   * 1200   *  verf(rahi)
. x3o5f    60 |   60   60 |    0   20   30  12 |   *    * 120

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