Acronym gissidpy
Name great-stellated-dodecahedral pyramid,
vertex cap of gaghi
Circumradius sqrt[(3 sqrt(5)+1)/22] = 0.591923
Colonel of regiment (is itself locally convex)
Face vector 21, 50, 42, 13
uniform relative:

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

oo3oo5/2ox&#x   → height = sqrt[(3 sqrt(5)-1)/8] = 0.844704
(pt || gissid)

o.3o.5/2o.    | 1  *  20  0 | 30  0 | 12 0
.o3.o5/2.o    | * 20 |  1  3 |  3  3 |  3 1
oo3oo5/2oo&#x | 1  1 | 20  * |  3  0 |  3 0
.. ..   .x    | 0  2 |  * 30 |  1  2 |  2 1
.. ..   ox&#x | 1  2 |  2  1 | 30  * |  2 0
.. .o5/2.x    | 0  5 |  0  5 |  * 12 |  1 1
.. oo5/2ox&#x  1  5 |  5  5 |  5  1 | 12 * stappy
.o3.o5/2.x     0 20 |  0 30 |  0 12 |  * 1

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