Acronym girdip
Name great-rhombidodecahedron prism
Circumradius sqrt[3-sqrt(5)] = 0.874032
Cross sections
General of army x f3x5o
Colonel of regiment gaddiddip
Dihedral angles
  • at base {4} between cube and gird:   90°
  • at base {4} between gird and stiddip:   90°
  • at lacing {4} between cube and stiddip (at pseudo stip):   arccos(sqrt[(5-sqrt(5))/10]) = 58.282526°
  • at lacing {4} between cube and stiddip (at pseudo trip):   arccos(sqrt[(5+sqrt(5))/10]) = 31.717474°
Face vector 120, 300, 204, 44
hedrondude   polytopewiki  

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol

reduced( x x3/2x5/3x , by x x3/2x )
reduced( x x5/4x5/3x , by x x5/4x )

120 |   4  1 |  2  2   4 | 1  2  2
  2 | 240  * |  1  1   1 | 1  1  1  within base
  2 |   * 60 |  0  0   4 | 0  2  2  lacing
  4 |   4  0 | 60  *   * | 1  1  0
 10 |  10  0 |  * 24   * | 1  0  1  {10/3}
  4 |   2  2 |  *  * 120 | 0  1  1
 60 | 120  0 | 30 12   0 | 2  *  *  gird
  8 |   8  4 |  2  0   4 | * 30  *  cube
 20 |  20 10 |  0  2  10 | *  * 12  stiddip

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