Acronym sassid
Name (chiral) small snub dodecahedron,
compound of 6 stap
Circumradius sqrt[(15+sqrt(5))/40] = 0.656431
Vertex figure [33,5/2]
hedrondude   wikipedia   polytopewiki  

Sassid is a hemi-version of sadsid.

Incidence matrix

  60 |  2  2 |  3  1 || 1
   2 | 60  * |  1  1 || 1
   2 |  * 60 |  2  0 || 1
   3 |  1  2 | 60  * || 1
   5 |  5  0 |  * 12 || 1
 10 | 10 10 | 10  2 || 6

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