Acronym ...
Name Gott's snic-based pseudopolyhedron
Vertex figure [38]

Despite of being uniform and additionally having a single face shape only, these fall into different classes of symmetry. This is why Gott himself called it just a "regular pseudopolyhedron", i.e. a not fully regular skew polyhedron.

This uniform skew polyhedron is easily obtained from all the triangles of a square-wise mirrored cubical packing of snics. Accordingly it has genus 3.

Incidence matrix

(N → ∞)

12N |   2   4   2 |  2   6
  2 | 12N   *   * |  0   2  snic's {2} edges
  2 |   * 24N   * |  1   1  snic's {3} edges
  2 |   *   * 12N |  0   2  snic's {4} edges
  3 |   0   3   0 | 8N   *
  3 |   1   1   1 |  * 24N

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