Acronym rosassa
Name rhombisnub squarisquariapeirogonal tiling
Vertex figure [4,8/3,8,4/3,∞]
General of army tosquat
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As abstract polytope rosassa is isomorph to rorisassa, thereby interchanging either the roles of octagons and octagrams, or those of the (local usage of) prograde and retrograde squares.

Note that each square has 2 (neighbouring) vertices, where it acts prograde, and 2 other ones, where it acts retrograde. This is in accordance to the fact, that octagon and octagram are incident to it at opposite sides, while the remaining ones are incident to parallel apeirogons. – But because each vertex configuration uses either square vertex type with equal frequency, the tiling happens to become uniform again.

Incidence matrix

(N,M → ∞)

8NM |   1   1   1   2 |   2  1  1  1
  2 | 4NM   *   *   * |   1  0  1  0
  2 |   * 4NM   *   * |   0  1  1  0
  2 |   *   * 4NM   * |   1  1  0  0
  2 |   *   *   * 8NM |   1  0  0  1
  4 |   1   0   1   2 | 4NM  *  *  *
  8 |   0   4   4   0 |   * NM  *  *  {8}
  8 |   4   4   0   0 |   *  * NM  *  {8/3}
  M |   0   0   0   M |   *  *  * 8N

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