Acronym graphi
Name grand retropental hecatonicosachoron
Cross sections
Circumradius sqrt[5-2 sqrt(5)] = 0.726543
General of army rox
Colonel of regiment rigfix
Face vector 720, 3600, 2520, 120
general polytopal classes:
noble polytopes  
hedrondude   polytopewiki   WikiChoron  

As abstract polytope graphi is isomorphic to sriphi, thereby replacing decagrams by decagons, resp. by replacing gird by sird.

Incidence matrix

720 |   10 |   10  10 |  10
  2 | 3600 |    2   2 |   4
  4 |    4 | 1800   * |   2
 10 |   10 |    * 720 |   2  {10/3}
 60 |  120 |   30  12 | 120  gird

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