Acronym ...
Name bitruncated Witting polychoron,
complex polychoron o3-3-x3-3-x3-3-o3
Face vector 17280, 34560, 10800, 480
general polytopal classes:
complex polytopes  

The bitruncation generally keeps the edges of the respective quasiregular pre-images. Here it becomes applied to the rectified Witting polychoron within either orientation, i.e. onto o3-3-x3-3-o3-3-o3 and o3-3-o3-3-x3-3-o3 respectively. For new edges one gets both, those of either quasiregular. The types of faces and cells can readily be read from the diagram and their counts correspond to the alike oriented ones of the quasiregular pre-images.

The only interesting thing remaining here would be the numbers of edges of either type, which are incident to every vertex. If that would be known, then the total vertex count itself can readily be derived by means of the general relation for incidence matrices, and therefrom then the remaining entries too. But the count of that edge type per vertex, which corresponds to the second node, clearly is just the index of the first node. While the count of the other edge type per vertex, i.e. which corresponds to the third node, in general will be the vertex count of that polytope, which rejects the first 3 nodes and their incident links from the diagram, and rings the (former) fourth node only. (In the case of a polychoron this clearly amounts simply in the index of that fourth node.)

Incidence matrix according to Dynkin symbol


.    .    .    .  | 17280 |     3     3 |    1    9    1 |   3   3
.    x3   .    .  |     3 | 17280     * |    1    3    0 |   3   1
.    .    x3   .  |     3 |     * 17280 |    0    3    1 |   1   3
o3-3-x3   .    .       8 |     8     0 | 2160    *    * |   3   0
.    x3-3-x3   .      24 |     8     8 |    * 6480    * |   1   1
.    .    x3-3-o3      8 |     0     8 |    *    * 2160 |   0   3
o3-3-x3-3-x3   .     216 |   216    72 |   27   27    0 | 240   *
.    x3-3-x3-3-o3    216 |    72   216 |    0   27   27 |   * 240
.    .    .    .   & | 17280 |     6 |    2    9 |   6
.    x3   .    .   & |     3 | 34560 |    1    3 |   4
o3-3-x3   .    .   &      8 |     8 | 4320    * |   3
.    x3-3-x3   .         24 |    16 |    * 6480 |   2
o3-3-x3-3-x3   .   &    216 |   288 |   27   27 | 480

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